Keyword Research Essentials

Mar 2, 2016 | White Board SEO Blog


This week’s SEO tutorial concerns the correct way to do Keyword Research, and how to use it to find the best keywords for your site and product!

Top Things to Remember while Doing Keyword Research

  1. Create your Ideal Client, then create seed keyword ideas using that information
    • Figure out who would be searching for the thing you’re selling
    • Use that info to determine exactly how they would search for your product in a search engine.
    • Is your product premium? Inexpensive? Only sold in a certain area? Use all of this to come up with seed keywords
  2. Use Google Keyword Planner to find new keyword ideas
    • Enter your seed keywords into the planner and use the results to find the best keywords for your site
    • Only choose results that are relevant and not too broad to add to your keyword list
    • Record all keywords that are highly related to your product in an Excel spreadsheet!
  3. Don’t be afraid to take a long time!
    • Keyword research is hard work and something that can easily take you up to 3 hours, or even longer! Don’t worry if the time keeps on ticking and you’re not quite done
    • The longer you take, the more thorough you will be. The Keyword Planner tool isn’t perfect, and you’re not going to find the best keywords on your first round of research!
  4. Balance all factors when choosing your final keywords
    • They should have some search volume, shouldn’t be too competitive, and need to be relevant to your product
    • Choose local keywords if you sell products in a local setting (like San Diego Vacation Rentals)
  5. Leave no stone unturned!
    • Use all of your newfound skills to find the best keywords for your site. Spend the time and effort, and you will surely be able to complete your task!
    • If you still need more resources, check out the following tools!

Contact us if you have any more questions!